Take Off Your Shoes Before It’s Too Late
Cosmic alignment in Earth signs brings once-in-lifetime opportunity to get grounded
Do yourself a favor — make some time to experience EARTH, before it’s too late…
Indulge me while I speak astrology for a moment. You see, today was no ordinary New Moon in Virgo.
Sure, it’s a Supermoon — it’s actually the New Moon closest to the Earth this year. It packs a powerful presence.
But even more, there are EIGHT planets in Earth signs, aligned in what astrologers call a “Grand Earth Trine.”
(Astro NB: Specifically that’s the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo; Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn; and Uranus in Taurus.)
That’s a lot of potent Earthy energy! And it kicks off a two-week period in September 2019 in which Earth dominates the cosmic headlines.
In short: This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment in which we get to (re)consider what it means to be “Earthed.”
I know it certainly didn’t come easy for me…
Melt Into Me
I still vividly remember the first time I felt deeply connected to the Earth. It was one of my early experiences with sitting in my shamanic teacher’s ceremonial circle.
In all of our ceremonies, we began by collectively visualizing sinking into the Earth. The Earth is our home — she heals and supports us. Without her, journeywork is impotent.
Though my teacher had said this many times before, I did fully understand until that night. As our ceremony progressed, it was as if my body fused with the ground. But instead of feeling trapped, I felt elated.
When it was over, I realized that, until this moment, I’d lived my life perched on virtual roller skates. I was always up in my head, zipping about the world.
Anywhere else but mindfully present in my own body.
Even now 25 years later, it’s sometimes tough to remember to ground. Connect. To stay present.
I know it’s not just me. Divorcing ourselves from the Earth is sadly wired into Western culture itself.
‘Body Bad, Spirit Good’
For millennia, threads in the tapestry of Western thought have encouraged us to separate Matter and Spirit — to see the Body is bad, while the Spirit is good.
At times philosophy and religion have considered the Body a prison for the Soul, the means for our “fall” from grace. Earth is too heavy, limiting, painful, dross, crude, dirty.
The Earth element even gets a bad rap in some New Age circles. It’s too “materialistic” — the domain of muggles, accountants and stodgy scientists.
Our culture has conditioned us to ignore the blessings of being “Earthed.”
Yes, sometimes our physical bodies bring us pain. But there’s also pleasure…
Touch, smell, taste, sound, sight all bring delight — when we slow down enough to appreciate the senses.
Though we can be stuck in a rut or depressed, we can also put our innate creativity to work in shaping worlds.
Though there can be lack, we can also experience abundance.
Though there is greed, there’s also generosity.
Yet, despite this cultural conditioning, the choice for how to See is still up to us.
Fortunately, there’s another way…
Revisioning Our Earthiness
In the wisdom of the tribe with whom my shamanic teacher lived for a decade, there’s no more “spiritual” place than where we are now. Earth is as much “heaven” as any other dimension.
In other words, the material world is a spiritual place — because there’s no such thing as an absence of Spirit. Rather, Earth is merely a special expression of Spirit — Spirit that’s “slowed down” and experienced as matter, space and time.
It’s our calling as humans to apprehend the immanence of Spirit within space and time. Or, as the alchemists might say:
It’s our Great Work to materialize spirit and spiritualize matter.
Now, if you’ve read this far, you might be thinking:
“But Donna, I already KNOW all this. At least, I do in my head. How do I actually make a change so I can feel and appreciate Earth every day. Feel it in my body?”
I’m glad you asked! The short answer is: You’re going to have to re-write your code.
In other words, no matter the root cause, ignoring our earthiness is still just a HABIT.
Habits are shortcuts for awareness, so we don’t feel like we have to pay attention to everything. They can be really useful, when they are positive. And really destructive when what they support is not what serves us in this moment.
Truly reprogramming our habits takes time and effort — but we can do it through mindfulness meditation, journaling, hypnosis, therapy, community support groups and other things that hold space for our transformation.
But it also helps to start with a really clear vision of the change you are seeking…
So.. good news! There’s no better time to realign your relationship to the Earth plane than during September’s eight-planet Grand Earth Trine.
You can (((feel))) the Earth energy in your very bones.
So, promise me this: sometime in the next few weeks, you will go outside in Nature.
Take off your shoes. Wiggle your toes in the grass and dirt.
Close your eyes and feel yourself sinking into the ground. Allow the cosmos carry you down. Melt into Earth.
Remember this feeling. Better yet, write about how it feels…
Allow it to be the first step on imagining your relationship with the Earth.
We need Earth. And, right now, she needs us to remember that.
If you want to learn more about how to ground your spiritual experience in the physical, I have a free training coming up next week where I’ll teach you how to use your Words to live a more magical life:
How to Create a Real Book of Shadows and Accelerate Your Magical Journey
The training is for both long-time journal keepers, as well as those who’ve always wanted to start one (or need a little push to keep going). You can choose your training time here.